[语言学习] 老外听到哪些中式英语 内心崩溃了

  The other phrase I seem to hear often is, "You have a rest". While it's not seriously incorrect is another repeated phrase I hear only in China (Americans would say "go get some rest"). 另一个常能听到的句子是You have a rest. 也只有在中国才听过好几次,细想想也不能算有错。如果是让人去歇歇,美国人一般会说:Go get some rest.


  网友Ron TF Lum:

  I took Chinese language courses in college so I know the reason for this is because the word used to refer to a person is unisex(不分性别), "ta" or 他. So for Chinese speakers, distinguishing he/she isn't always an ingrained habit. 我在学校里学过中文,所以知道中文里的“ta”或者“他”可以男女通用,口语中更没有第三人称分男女的习惯。 As you can imagine, things can get funny when a guy from China describes his date using English. 因此,你就可以想象到一个中国小伙用英语描述他对象的情景了~


  网友Ryan Chew:

  In English, tenses are indicated by adding word endings, thereby altering the word itself. Chinese words are isolated and do not change meaning. Instead, additional words are postfixed to reflect past tenses. 英语中的时态都体现在动词的词尾上,而中文里没有这种词形变化,要靠补充其他词来表示。




  English: I have eaten. Chinglish: I eat already. 我去过了。 English: I went there. Chinglish: I go already. 我见过她了。 English: I have met her. Chinglish: I meet her already.

[物价飞涨的时候 这样省钱购物很爽]
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    评论2 游客 [土.父.传.亡] 2016-01-13 21:05
    let\'s Have a rest 是中学英语课本学的,怎么会是错的?,三十年前的英语中学课本是谁编的,此人该杀,
    评论1 游客 [惧.曰.王.王] 2016-01-13 11:58
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