[KEY Education] Congrats!!熱烈祝賀KEY的學生們

Congratulations to our students and their families on an amazing year. We are proud of their success.

We hope you all have a restful and enjoyable summer, and we each wish you continued success with your academic journey.

This Year’s Private School Acceptances

Alcuin College: 2

Collingwood School: 3

Crofton House School: 3

Meadowridge School: 1

Mulgrave School: 4

Our Lady of Perpetual Help: 1

Shawnigan Lake School: 1

St. John’s School: 3

St. George’s School: 5

St. Michaels University School: 1

Stratford Hall: 1

Vancouver College: 1

West Point Grey Academy: 5

York House School: 3

This Year’s US University Acceptances

Bard College: 1

Barnard College: 1

Boston University: 1

Cal Poly Arts: 1

Cornell University: 4

DePaul University: 1

Dickinson College: 1

New York University: 1

Northeastern University: 1

Pratt Institute: 3

Rhode Island School of Design: 1

Southern California Institute of Art: 1

Rutgers University: 1

Syracuse University: 3

University of California, Berkeley: 1

University of California, Davis: 2

University of California, Irvine: 3

University of California, Los Angeles: 1

University of California, San Diego: 3

University of California, Santa Cruz: 2

University of Southern California: 2

University of Washington: 1



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