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十年级学生该如何面对英文省考? | 温哥华教育中心

[燕园教育学院] 十年级学生该如何面对英文省考?


A few points about the multiple-choice section


1.If you do well on the multiple choice, you set yourself up for doing well on the exam as a whole, so give the multiple choice the time that it deserves (that will be indicated right on your exam booklet). Don’t rush to get to the writing section just because you are afraid that you will need a lot of time for the writing. While doing the multiple-choice, put a little mark beside the multiple-choice questions that you have trouble with or are unsure of, so that you can go back to them if you have time at the end.


2.When you have a passage or poem to read, which is the basis of the multiple-choice questions, make your first read-through fairly quick, just so that you get the general idea of the passage or poem. If you feel you don’t quite understand something, read that part once more but then go on to the end of the passage or poem. Don’t keep reading and re-reading a part you feel you don’t understand. The time to go back for careful reading is when you actually have the multiple-choice questions in front of you. That is the time to try to understand the material enough to answer the questions; you don’t need to completely understand the poem or passage.


3.If you feel that you really don’t know the answer, put off guessing until you can eliminate one or two of the four possible multiple-choice answers. Once you’ve crossed off one or two of the answers that seem very unlikely to be right, that’s the time to guess between the ones that are left.

如果你无法确定答案,可以采用排除法。 在题目的四个选项里,排除掉一到两个明显不贴合文章的选项,然后在剩下的两个选项里猜测答案——二选一的准确率显然要比四选一的准确率高很多。


1.You don’t have to write very much to get a good mark in the writing section. If you’re asked to write 1- 2 pages, aim to write one; if you’re asked to write 2 – 4 pages, aim to write two, but make sure what you say is on topic.


2.Read the question very carefully and make sure that what you write really is an answer to the question or topic that you have been asked to write about


3.Only start writing after you have made your notes about what you will say and have decided what will be your first point and your second point. If you make three points in your short writing or five in your long writing, that is plenty.


4.If the question asks you to refer to a certain text, your notes about each of your points should include a quotation from the text or a reference to the text that supports that exact point. In the longer essay, the support you bring forward will be facts or examples from life. When you make a quotation, say what line or stanza the quotation or reference is from (if it’s a poem) or what paragraph the quotation or reference is from if it’s a prose (non-poem) passage. In some cases, the support will be from a fact or an example. Before you start, group your points so that they will make a couple of short paragraphs when you are actually writing.


5.Start your short writing and your long writing with a sentence that summarizes your answer to the question that you have been asked. This summary sentence is your “thesis” statement. Then, write out the paragraphs that make your points.


6.End your short writing and your long writing with a sentence that sounds a lot like your first sentence – that is, it summarizes the answer you have just made – but if possible add an extra thought or a little bit of a twist so that the last sentence is a little bit different from the first one.


7.The key thing with your writing is to make sure that all the points you make answer the question or prompt that you read at the beginning of the question. You don’t need to write a lot but try to make sure that you have supporting evidence for each point you make. The support will be in the form of a quotation or reference, a fact or an example.


English Provincial Test Teacher: Austin Rand




Burnaby 校区:604-438-9883

Richmond 校区:604-303-6667


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