列治文 招聘 E-commerce and digital marketing coordinator | 北美中文黃頁

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列治文 招聘 E-commerce and digital marketing coordinator

Job Title:

E-commerce and digital marketing coordinator

Job Description*

A fast-growing wholesale company is looking for a co-op university student to help with online business operations.

Job description:

Optimize product listings including writing of content, image photography, keyword selection, search engine optimization, etc.
Listing new products on marketplace platforms
Create digital marketing strategies: run advertising campaigns, monitor and analyze sales report
Track and update inventory reports
Processing of orders: generate invoices, create shipping labels, communicate with shipment carriers


Applicant must have knowledge of digital marketing, e-commerce, SEO, keywords, content writing and is willing to learn new technologies and tools. Minimum 5 years education in North America(Canada or USA)

Skills / Highlights*

Applicant must be able to proficiently use photoshop. Web design capability is an asset.

Applicant must have experiences on photo editing, content writing, web page design and etc. Experiences on ecommerce marketing are preferred.
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  • 聯系信息

    發布者: davidho
    電話: +1 (604) 304-0716


    城市: 列治文



    工作內容: 1、負責倉庫日常物資的驗收、入庫等工作 2、負責入庫貨物的擺放,做到環境合理 3、定時盤點,確保數據的准確性 4、會使用電腦,掌握壹定的表格技能 5、...
    誠招 美容助理
    崗位職責: 1、為顧客提供皮膚護理、美容美體服務; 2、安裝美容儀器要求、程序、性能進行美容護理操作; 3、保持工作環境的幹淨整潔; 4、學習產品知識和專業技術...
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