[90后] 90后小伙辞职回成都做木匠,火了



  Yu Chenrui. Photo provided to China Daily

  Yu, 29, is a maker of automata, self-propelled, artistic mechanical figures, in Chengdu, Sichuan province. Automata are built to look like humans or animals and give the illusion of being able to move on their own.今年29岁的俞宸睿来自四川成都,是一名机关人偶装置艺术家。机关人偶是一种自我驱动的艺术机械人偶,常常被做成人或动物的样子,通过机关让他们“自己动起来”。

  "The art form amazes me, because it integrates various skills, from storytelling to mechanics, and the pieces are built with a sense of humor," Yu says.俞宸睿说:“这种艺术形式真的很惊艳,它融合了很多项不同的技术,从讲故事到机械内核统统都有涉及。同时,这些零件本身也充满了幽默感。”

  In an age of technology, this is undoubtedly a marginal sector. Yu estimates that it has attracted no more than 10 full-time makers and practitioners across the country. His creations have caught the attention of renowned artists, such as Paul Spooner from the home of automata making in the United Kingdom and Kazuaki Harada from Japan.在这个科技至上的年代,机关人偶制作者无疑是一个边缘职业。俞宸睿估计全国不超过10名全职制作者。他的创作则吸引了这个领域的一些着名艺术家,例如来自机关人偶诞生地的英国艺术家保罗·斯普纳和日本机关人偶大师原田和明。


  On social media, Spooner applauded Yu as "a great practitioner". In February, Kazuaki recommended him for the Automata Program during this year's World Wood Day.在社交媒体上,斯普纳称赞俞宸睿是“伟大的实践者”。今年2月,原田和明推荐他参加世界木材日举办的机关人偶项目。

  With prices ranging from hundreds to tens of thousands of yuan, his whimsical pieces of art have attracted collectors worldwide.俞宸睿极具创造力的作品吸引了世界各地的收藏家,价格从数百元到上万元不等。


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