[房市情报] 太打脸!再见了,列治文的家庭旅馆









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    评论43 1qa2ws 2017-01-13 15:28
    评论42 希瑞 2017-01-13 15:17
    评论41 springchild 2017-01-13 08:44
    [quote="springchild"][quote="JASON.WANG@RBC.COM"]if they still want to do it, they have to apply for a proper business license, pay higher property taxes,[/quote] 所以呀,就维持现状呗。如果邻居都不投诉就没问题。我觉得邻居如果是国人,大都会忍让。如果是本地人就不好说了。[/quote] @江南忆 您呢,也别光砸砖头,说说您的意见呗
    评论40 mikeguo 2017-01-13 08:18
    税收和安全。 Mike
    评论39 游客 [者.曰.建.人] 2017-01-12 23:29
    评论38 游客 [粱.昔.王.篇] 2017-01-12 22:17
    support you. AA proprty Man Wang, The sb is an ass***hole. should be sent back to where he/she came back. go f* him/herself.
    评论37 游客 [粱.昔.王.篇] 2017-01-12 22:16
    此评论因为含有不合适言语, 已经被禁止
    评论36 游客 [粱.昔.王.篇] 2017-01-12 22:13
    评论35 游客 [陆.昔.周.义] 2017-01-12 20:59
    support you. The sb is an ass***hole. should be sent back to where he/she came back. go f* him/herself.
    评论34 游客 [人.龄.莽.作] 2017-01-12 14:02
    YOU shut the hell up LOSER! I bought a decent house in a decent neighbourhood just because I work hard and deserve a good life. Now the community is ruined by Losers like YOU! If you want money, apply a licence! Or you just STEAL everyone\'s money because you DON\'T pay TAX!
    评论33 springchild 2017-01-12 10:21
    [quote="JASON.WANG@RBC.COM"]if they still want to do it, they have to apply for a proper business license, pay higher property taxes,[/quote] 所以呀,就维持现状呗。如果邻居都不投诉就没问题。我觉得邻居如果是国人,大都会忍让。如果是本地人就不好说了。
    评论32 JASON.WANG@RBC.COM 2017-01-12 10:20
    [quote="游客"]就是不能出租对吗?[/quote] need business license. chk w/ city of richmond.
    评论31 JASON.WANG@RBC.COM 2017-01-12 10:18
    [quote="springchild"]就是。说不定这些家庭旅馆不想被合法化呢[/quote] if they still want to do it, they have to apply for a proper business license, pay higher property taxes,
    评论30 游客 [之.昔.西.义] 2017-01-12 10:05
    评论29 游客 [声.专.二.帷] 2017-01-12 09:56
    评论28 游客 [淮.何.汉.群] 2017-01-12 09:42
    评论27 呱唧呱唧 2017-01-12 06:43
    评论26 呱唧呱唧 2017-01-12 06:43
    评论25 springchild 2017-01-12 06:38
    [quote="JASON.WANG@RBC.COM"]people, it's about tax/tax/tax! let me ask you this, how many family hotel owners report *all* their *cash* income? and, who pays for the extra garbage from the "hotel"? now, ask the "real" hotel owners how much business & personal taxes they pay to the government?[/quote] 就是。说不定这些家庭旅馆不想被合法化呢
    评论24 JASON.WANG@RBC.COM 2017-01-11 23:59
    people, it's about tax/tax/tax! let me ask you this, how many family hotel owners report *all* their *cash* income? and, who pays for the extra garbage from the "hotel"? now, ask the "real" hotel owners how much business & personal taxes they pay to the government?
    评论23 游客 [人.何.逞.十] 2017-01-11 22:28
    Hey, if you don\'t have a decent income to own a house then you should be renting. This kind of business is like selling drug in the neighborhood, problem nothing but problem, understand?
    评论22 游客 [究.何.子.七] 2017-01-11 22:02
    Are you going to pay for my property taxes? Are you going to pay for my mortgage? I bet you are still living at your mom\'s basement. You don\'t even know how hard it is to save enough money as down payment to buy a place. You have no idea. So go back to your mom\'s basement and start attacking me. When you have your own place, then you start commenting, otherwise, just shut the hell up.
    评论21 虹猫 2017-01-11 21:57
    [quote="GPS2000"]偶反对出租,买得起房子的,高单房或土库出租招来麻烦人,也许是鸡鸣狗叫之徒。[/quote] 谁也不喜欢自己家旁边每天出入不同的闲杂人
    评论20 游客 [黑.昔.梁.仁] 2017-01-11 20:57
    评论19 游客2016 2017-01-11 19:45
    评论18 游客 [婿.礼.尧.文] 2017-01-11 19:03
    RICHMOND现在充斥中国香港来的垃圾, 有点素质就赶快搬离, 让垃圾们物以类聚
    评论17 springchild 2017-01-11 18:51
    该干嘛干嘛。以前也不是合法的。nothing changed
    评论16 游客 [而.专.十.帷] 2017-01-11 18:44
    评论15 游客 [曰.昔.先.尔] 2017-01-11 17:23
    评论14 游客 [讲.数.氏.颂] 2017-01-11 17:08
    评论13 呱唧呱唧 2017-01-11 15:27
    评论12 damnff 2017-01-11 15:16
    评论11 snailiving 2017-01-11 14:32
    顶zf。 烦透了短租房, 搞得后院乱哄哄。 半夜开party。 车库改房子。
    评论10 本那比经略 2017-01-11 14:29
    评论9 GPS2000 2017-01-11 14:18
    评论8 绝不用力 2017-01-11 14:15
    艾一古的发音是日文,原来管理员是日本yin 呀。。。哈哈哈哈。。。怪不得呀!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: [quote="热评新闻"]来源: 加西网 (加西网综合)列治文市做了一件打脸的事...还特别的响! 就在一周前,在听证会上才决定不会禁止列治文的短租/家庭旅馆市场,最多会对这一行业进行规管~ But,在周一的会议上,议员们投票决定:[b]将禁止列治文地区的房屋短期出租!!!除非是市政府允许的B&B单位。[/b] 想开Airbnb赚点外快?不!行!了! 事情的经过 在处理邻居投诉、探讨短租对租赁...  [更多...]
    评论7 lynnzzm 2017-01-11 14:10
    评论6 加西老ID 2017-01-11 14:09
    评论5 innin 2017-01-11 14:07
    评论4 游客 [人.龄.莽.作] 2017-01-11 14:00
    You suck! Do you know how much trouble you bring to your neighborhood by doing this! From your post, we can see that you are a irresponsible and selfish money sucker!
    评论3 游客 [州.曰.纪.王] 2017-01-11 13:38
    whats wrong? it is my property. i can do whatever i have . i can open party everyday, have people stay over anytime. why government need to spend time on such little tiny things. focus on traffic, salting the roads, create employment, increase security, and find a way to solve housing issues. not these ting peanut sxxt.
    评论2 游客 [序.教.陈.论] 2017-01-11 13:01
    评论1 游客 [背.五.逞.单] 2017-01-11 11:42
    大快人心! 有知道他人偷着租的, 赶快举报!
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