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有条件录取被拒的常见原因和对策 | 温哥华教育中心

[加国校园] 有条件录取被拒的常见原因和对策

对于录取之前没有完成全部课程的学生来说,大学的录取一般都是有条件录取(conditional offer), 也就是说录取信中会说明在满足什么条件下录取才最终有效。对此,有的大学录取信说的具体,有的模糊。比如滑铁卢大学某专业的有条件录取信就比较具体:

You must achieve a minimum final admission average of 80% that includes required Grade 12 courses (or equivalents). You must also achieve a minimum final grade of 70% in each required course.



You must successfully maintain your strong academic performance, complete all courses required for entry into your program, and graduate from high school.


当然,UBC在其网站列出了可能重新考虑是否录取的一些情况,其中一条是平均分下降5%以上 (详见“Grade changes, that if presented on final grades, may cause UBC to re-evaluate your application for admission”:http://you.ubc.ca/applying-ubc/applied/admissions-decisions#keep-offer)。


案例1:被UBC 某学院有条件录取,因英语12省考成绩和英语12在校成绩相差超过了20%,最终按英语12省考成绩重新计算平均分,导致平均分大幅下降, 也就是未能“成功保持高水准的学业表现。”


… -You did not maintain your strong academic performance and your final grades have fallen below the competitive level for your program.

– There is a significant discrepancy between your English 12 class and exam grade. All students are required to successfully complete the BC English 12 provincial exam. In situations where there is a significant discrepancy between a students class and exam mark, UBC will use a students provincial exam grade only when reviewing a students file. When we review your file using your exam mark, your application has fallen below the competitive level.

As a result, your offer of admission to the 2016 Winter Session at UBC has been withdrawn. (大概的意思是平均分下降,英语省考和在校成绩相差较大,重新用省考成绩计算平均分,结果低于有竞争的分数,因而取消录取。)


We have received your final grades and unfortunately you have not met the conditions of your offer to xxx Program. Your English 12 grade is at x%, which is below the minimum 75% required for your prerequisites. Your offer will be amended to xxx. (我们收到了你的期末成绩,不幸的是,你未能满足某某专业的录取条件。你的英语12 成绩是x%, 低于所要求的75%。你将被调剂到某某专业。)


那么,接下来的问题是:接到拒绝信怎么办呢? 有些学校在其它专业仍然有名额的情况下会将学生调剂到其它专业(如案例2,前提是成绩不能太低),有些(如UBC) 会给学生上诉的机会,如果能给出令人信服的理由,学校会恢复录取。即便是大学不给上诉的机会,学生也要写邮件给招生部门,解释为什么成绩下跌的原因。 当然,理由必须充分。


We are pleased to advise you that the Faculty of xxx has approved your appeal (某某学院已经批准了你的上诉申请). Your admission status has now been adjusted, the detail of which you can verify on the Student Service Centre.


[物价飞涨的时候 这样省钱购物很爽]
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