環球駕駛學院/環球客貨車學院 - 士嘉堡駕駛培訓 | 北美中文黃頁

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電話: +1 (416) 298-0883 (聯系時請告知您是從 溫哥華網 看到的信息, 謝謝)
  基本信息 相冊 評論 地圖 聯系我們  
\"🌸\"客貨車教學\"🌸\": 環球駕校同時作為安省私立職業學院,除了提供私家車教學外,也專門培訓商業客貨車,口碑良好,歷史悠久,教學經驗豐富,受到了廣大雇主和學員的認可,與大型貨運公司和知名獵頭有著長期的合作,早先時候,就已經獨家推出高薪工作推薦項目,畢業學員中很多是留學生,旅游簽證人士,考上A牌司機後,於壹個月內已成功獲得高薪工作。市面上多家華人大型建材,屋頂批發公司以及超市的老板和雇員均為本校學生。A牌司機學時短,門檻低,只需完成104小時的理論加實操,即可獲得大專文憑,成功步入高需高薪行業。
\"🌈\"私家車/小車教學\"🌈\": 疫情期間,環球駕校率先為足不出戶的同學們提供了全課理論課網絡教學,學員只要完成網上20+小時的理論學習以及作業練習,加上10小時的實操練車,即可獲得由交通部(Ministry of Transportation)的全科認證, 系統有序的學習為學員們的安全駕駛奠定了堅實基礎,同時,憑借全科認證,之後購買汽車保險也能享有大幅度的折扣。




Kingsway Driving School o/a. Kingsway Trucking College, the largest Chinese driving school in GTA,  is a Ministry-Approved Driving Course Provider. 
Kingsway has a long history of strong strength, standardize teaching, and perfect management modules. We are broadly recognized by students, community groups, and various professionals. It is our principle to keep good faith and value the importance of current students and future customers.
Being the largest Chinese driving school in the great Toronto area (GTA), our school has dozens of high-quality professional driving instructors with at least eight years of teaching experience. Every instructor is well-chosen by a rigorous selection and training process. Therefore, they all have excellent coaching skills and a good attitude. All instructors provide one to one driving training to students under the guidance of patience, thoughtfulness, and care.
Kingsway has been gaining all kinds of awards and honorary titles for a long time. According to the survey statistics, our students have the highest passing rate. As the largest Chinese driving school in GTA, we maintain the style of a large professional driving school.​

Room 318
Scarborough, Ontario
M1S 5H6
電話: +1 (416) 298-0883
郵件地址: kingswaydriving@gmail.com
網址: https://www.kingswaydriving.co...
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