SEN Tutor Express - 温哥华数理补习 | 北美中文黄页

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SEN Tutor Express
电话: +1 (604) 720-7925 (联系时请告知您是从 温哥华网 看到的信息, 谢谢)
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Brain gym , Abacus, Olympiad Math, 1:1 individual tutoring

本人为珠心算、奥数导师,美国注册健脑操导师。致力为主流或SEN(有特别学习需要)的学生提供1:1个别的上门补习服务,免郄学童花太多时间於交通上,从而可更专注於每天的学习。 SEN学生类型包括: 情绪问题 读写障碍 专注力不足及多动症 泛自闭症(亚氏保加症、自闭倾向等) 资优 只要得到适当指导,SEN学生也能尽展所长。 

I am a Brain Gym instructor,  Abacus and Olympiad Math mentor.  Committed to provide 1: 1 individual tutoring services for mainstream or SEN (special educational needs) students. SEN students include: Emotional problems Dyslexia Lack of mindfulness and ADHD Autism spectrum (Asperger syndrome, autism, etc.) Gifted



We provide one-on-one home-based tutoring services. It also improves the mathematics skills for primary school children or students with special learning needs to enhance self-confidence and achieve the effect of whole brain computing.

SEN Tutor Express
电话: +1 (604) 720-7925
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