




ESL 教育

ESL L1 至 L5 - 语法,词汇,阅读,写作


北美名校规划, 加拿大留学优势, 加拿大留学咨询

ESL advanced classes

We offer our students a systematic way of learning English in a comprehensive fashion with 

IELTS Vocabulary Development

Based on the solving methods of IELTS, introducing a variety of combinations to highlight questions. 

English and social study Provincial exams

The Provincial exam prep course is taught by experienced team of teachers. To strengthen English

Adult citizenship class

The course helps students learn history, geography, logos and democratic government in Canada,

Our Services

We provide the following services for our students: suitable guardian arrangement; English-speaking homestay arrangement; Visa and study permit applications; college and university application; course planning and so forth.

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About Us

Sunny Academy is designed to help students improve their academic achievements, cultivating their independent learning skills by creating an active and lively learning environment. We believe that each student has their own. Read More
