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专业进出口报关卡车服务加拿大正规报关行 Licensed Customs Broker。公司分布多伦多,温哥华,蒙特利尔,卡尔加里,埃德蒙顿,温尼伯,哈利法克斯。
美加卡车24小时报关服务, 加拿大全境清关服务
1.在加拿大要做进口首先要有公司注册号码,也就是GST号码。 例如:联邦的 825434222 RT0001 这个是GST 账户,一般9位数。 如果做进出口要有825434222RM0001 如果没有的可以打18009595525 这是canada revenue agency 的电话。如果时间不够货已经到了要马上清关,作为报关行有权利给您申请一个临时进口账户。
2.上面做好了就是要查一下进口的货物有没有什么限制,因为加拿大进口东西有很多限制,提前做好准备比较好。http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publications/help-aide/topic-sujet/17-eng.html上面的链接是 加拿大其他政府的要求和法律,可以参考一下,如果实在不行看的头大我告诉你还有另外的网址只要你把HS号码在这个网址上那就是需要其他文件http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/eservices/ogd-amg/hs-sh-eng.html 。这里还有查关税的链接也就是我们所说的HS编码,这个比较复杂要一个一个的按章节去查,全球所有的物品都有其归类,海关也就是按照这个收关税和GSThttp://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/trade-commerce/tariff-tarif/2013/menu-eng.html (一年变好几次,不停在改)
3. 要报关你要填提前准备一些文件:商业发票,装箱单,提单复印件,提货单(加拿大货代会给你),最后就是生成最重要的B3(我们就依靠这个报给海关,在中国应该叫报关单)下载地址如下http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publications/forms-formulaires/b3-3.pdf
4. 报关的时候最好有FORM A (原产地证)这能在报关时有可能省一些关税。(并不是肯定能省的,要看货品,有的货品根本就不能用这个证书的)
5. 如果运费含在货物的价值里面,要跟你的货代或报关行说,因为这个可以在报关的时候减掉。申报货值的时候尽量写的是正常价钱,因为如果不正常海关会在最近找上你的,他们有个数据库,所有从中国和世界其他地方的货物价值基本都有,所以货值一定要正常合理。
6. 报关时一般会付5%GST (食物,医药,残疾人用品,教会用品,政府进口物品,等物品不收),不过这5%能退回来的,因为在加拿大公司交的GST和收的GST可以对冲的。
7. 进口钢铁产品要注意要申请STEEL PERMIT.2012年不用了,加拿大政府还是比较照顾本地公司的)
8. 进口鱼类产品的需要有FISH PERMIT.这个你要去CFIA申请先。
9. 进口姜,蒜,苹果等东西 需要有 plant protect permit. 这个也要去找CFIA.
10. 进口药品 你要去找HEALTH CANADA. 也要PERMIT. 它分2 一种是药性的我们的中药大部分在这里面,一种不是药性的大部分维生素什么的都在这里面,网址如下http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/dhp-mps/prodnatur/about-apropos/index-eng.php
11. 一些电器产品, 机器需要提供 Model Name, Modle Number, Brand Name, Import Reason.

电话:905-238-8120 or 1-800-880-5798 分机1 销售 分机2 报关
“Clear shipment for your trust”
What Can A Customs Clearance Service Do For You?

Importers as well as exporters alike find it very important to have customs brokers or also known as Licensed Customs Brokers when it comes to the overseas transport of goods. This process will make sure that the process of getting approval from following government agencies will be as smooth and hassle free as possible when it comes to importing goods from another country and exporting it to the next. Customs brokers Toronto So getting a customs clearance service will allow you to have the expert on this calculate your taxes, client excises, duties, and transportation fees all in all. It is the Canadian customs broker's job to communicate with the government representatives of national or international counties on behalf of course of the importer and exporter that they are working for in order complete the formalities involved that would soon clear out the shipment.

There are various types of customs clearance service that one could choose from, some have specialties in the service they do such as agencies that focus more on the international transport for companies. In order to do the task in its smoothest and most flawless way, it would need a whole lot of experience when it comes to industrial experiences. Aside from the reason of making a smooth sailing custom clearance for a freight forwarder company, they also get a Canadian custom brokers for other reasons such as organizing the actual custom clearance and work with it in the most effective, efficient, and comprehensive way possible. But aside from all that, since a custom broker is widely informed and knowledgeable about everything that involves the law in this aspect, they are needed more than ever.

Any agent of a Montreal Customs Brokers and a Toronto Customs Brokers service will have to operate with a license because it means that they have been authorized by the government and they are allowed to work with them legally. Customs Brokers Canada could either work in an independent manner or they could choose to be associated and connected with freight forwarders, importers or exporters, traders, and many different other shipping companies.

There have been so many instances before where consignments are being seized either on air or even in sea ports for reasons that lack in efficiency when it comes to custom practices, which is very bad for the importer and exporter alike and where a reliable customs clearance service comes in. If on the other hand you will organize your custom practices, you will be able to avoid the collapse of your company due to some negligence and lack thereof of care when it comes to customs. Hiring a really good custom broker that will help you with everything you need help with your shipping company will not only organize your business and keep it standing, but it will also help you build some really good connections with various governments as well.


Toronto, Ontario
电话: +1 (905) 238-8120
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