溫哥華 線上教學老師_UBC_SFU | 北美中文黃頁

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溫哥華 線上教學老師_UBC_SFU

Online Teacher

Epass Internet Technology Learning Corporation is seeking talented online teacher

Contact: hr@epass.com

Epass Internet Technology Learning Corporation is an online educational platform for assisting Chinese students to transition smoothly into Canada’s rapidly evolving educational environment. Our purpose is to provide highly engaging, tailor-made learning programs for our students, that will provide them with the relevant knowledge and skills to succeed not only in the subjects they are enrolling in the university, also their future academic journey.

Epass Internet Technology Learning Corporation 是壹家網上教育平台,旨在幫助中國留學生順利的適應加拿大快速的教育環境。我們的宗旨是為我們的同學提供高質量,貼近大學上課內容的教學內容,並因此可以提供給他們相關的知識和技能,不僅僅可以輕松應付考試,也為他們未來的學業打下良好的基石。

Our vision is to engage in technology-aided instruction by developing a cutting-edge educational software application platform, utilizing the full potential of digital learning and artificial intelligence technology in education. Epass’s head office is located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Job Responsibility:
- Conduct online lectures (Video recording) with well-prepared lesson plans and curriculum outlines including necessary materials, clear learning objectives, suitable learning modules before the start of each teaching period.
- Maintain a basic interaction with students for Q & A by enriching students’understanding of course materials.
- Collaborate with students, teachers, school administrators, or counselors to determine student needs, develop teaching plans, or assess student progress.
- 錄制線上的教學課程,包括了必要的課程材料,教學大綱,清晰的教學目標,以及合適的教學方式。
- 為了幫助學生更好的了解知識點,為學生提供必要和基礎的解答。
- 和學生,其他老師,學校的管理人員以及課程顧問壹起合作,發掘學生的需求,開發教學計劃,並追蹤學生的進度!

Key qualifications:
- Having solid education in the following subjects, Economics, Math, Accounting, Finance, Management, Statistic, Computer Science or related.(UBC OR SFU students are ideal)
- Confident with personal academic achievement.
- Tutoring experience would be a plus.
- Passionate to help others
- Excellent communication skills
- Ability to convey subjects in a clear concise manner.
- 在以下或相關專業有扎實的教育背景,包括了經濟學,數學,會計,金融,管理,統計,計算機等 (UBC 或者SFU的學業背景為最佳)
- 對於個人學術成績非常有自信
- 有壹些老師經驗為最佳
- 有熱情幫助其他人
- 有良好的溝通技巧
- 能夠把科目轉化成為清晰,簡介的方式!

  • 聯系時請告知您是從 溫哥華網 看到的信息, 謝謝
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  • 聯系信息

    發布者: hr885
    電話: (647) 778-3295


    城市: 溫哥華



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